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The boat drinks party turned out to be a great escape from the winter weather you can still view the offical  Boat Drinks Party 2000 website if you would like.  It is not everyday you see people in metropolitan areas choosing to drink from coconuts rather then by conventional means and listening to the popular tunes played on the steel drums, ahhh pudding.

This is just the beginning of a soon to be kick your booty site.  Powered by me, Brady.  It is hard to say what all you might see here.  But I am certain that if you visit enough something good will eventually come your way.  Now, I must ask for you to excuse me while devise my plan to take over the world beginning with this internet site.

email me at brady@bradyhorn.com

Click here to view my resume.

(you will need RealPlayer G2 or RealPlayer 7 to view the streaming video.  You can download them for free at www.real.com).

If you cannot get the Live Streaming video working try clicking HERE and view a new snapshot every few seconds (this should be viewable behind firewalls too!).

Watch here for Photos of:
Isle Royal Back Packing photo gallery
Places I have fished.

Number of hits since December 6, 1999:

Thanks and stop back soon.